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Song:         Sunlitdepths

Artist:       Sound EGO




Welcome to 

All those who unexpectantly land on this Traveldriven website will find it has few placed advertisements, if any.

For Traveldriven, sharing travel and driving experience's is just reward.

All posts include a brief written commentary, photos and videos.

The majority are of regional Australia and the accessible outback. 

Australian roads and locations easy to access with any vehicle.

Drives Traveldriven has found interesting via years of driving. 

Locations and drives website visitors may find interesting as well.

Visitor's may find travel idea's for their next trip.


I am a driving enthusiast. I enjoy the journey and the destination. 

The website incorporates realtime information via external links to

Google Maps, Youtube and Wikipedia.


All blog posts include up to ten or more photos and videos and most are two minutes or less of read time. There are about two thousand photos and videos and all have accompanying text. A mobile app version is available.

There is extensive use of Youtube and Google Maps to maintain up-to-date and current information collated together.  All of which is freely available online. 


I am Australian born and live in regional Victoria, Australia. 

Married to Connie in 1993. We have two university educated children.  


Over many years I have driven all of Australia, New Zealand and Ireland referred to on this site.  I continue driving Australia. All places are readily accessible with two wheel drive or occasionally by a locally available 4wd specialty tour.

I created in 2017 as a respite from adversity. Expanding when I recovered from my initial 2019 autoimmune condition diagnosis & hospitalisation. Six months post diagnosis I obtained medical clearance to drive. I enhanced the Blog/Vlog during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns of 2020/21. A full site review was completed in 2024\25.


I hope encourages you the site visitor to travel Australia. 


Read the latest Traveldriven Australian posts at                           

Thankyou for your time and interest.








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