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    ENGINE EXPLODED; EIGHT HUNDRED FEET UP "MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY" -Max the pilot GLADSTONE A coastal city 517 km north of the state capital Brisbane. Urban population greater than 45,000. Approaching Gladstone by road the city is dominated by a power station. Gives the city a real industrial look. Gladstone is home to the retired patrol boat HMAS Gladstone. The ship is in dock on public display in the Port of Gladstone. Sought overnight motel accommodation in the CBD off Goondoon Street. MACKAY The city is almost one thousand kilometres (600 mi) north of Brisbane, on the Pioneer River. Population is greater than eighty thousand. Mackay is nicknamed the sugar capital of Australia because its region produces more than a third of Australia's sugar. Spent two nights in Mackay. Accommodation was at Rydges. Cooled off in the refreshing water of the Bluewater Lagoon. These are three tiered lagoons in Mackay’s city centre. A stinger-free swimming environment. Great place to cool off and relax. Family friendly and free admission. There is a waterfall and water slide connecting the lagoons. Café and BBQ facilities. GLADSTONE GOOGLE MAPS MACKAY GOOGLE MAPS MACKAY BLUE WATER LAGOON TIGER MOTH MUSEUM JOY FLIGHTS While in Mackay I decided on a half hour Tiger Moth flight. I booked a joy flight from Mackay Airport. ENGINE EXPLODED; 800 FEET UP BALL OF BLACK SMOKE "MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY" RADIO CALL IN HEADSET MAX THE PILOT GLIDED BELOW TO AN UNSEALED UNDER CONSTRUCTION RING ROAD BOTH OF US UNHURT TIGER MOTH & THIRTY MINUTE JOY FLIGHT The Tiger Moth had just flown over an extensive mangrove area returning to the airport on the city fringe. The mangroves are a known habitat for saltwater crocodiles. A loud bang was heard and a black football size ball of smoke rose above the engine. Our lone spinning propeller stopped dead. Max the pilot radioed and called a "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday". Three Mayday calls are a general emergency distress call to all aircraft and air traffic control in the vicinity. For us, this meant southern Queensland. Max radioed over the intercom. "Will put her down below on the right". I looked to the right. I could see small unmade roads and cane fields far below. I gripped the side of the open cockpit and braced my feet for impact. I stayed silent. Best to let Max the pilot do his job. Glad of the tight seatbelt harness. I was told on the pre-flight safety briefing to pull the intercom cable out from the airframe panel to cleanly escape an unlikely water ditching. We weren't over water any more. Down to the Ground Looking forward and eyes wide open I wanted to be aware of the surroundings when we touched the ground. I wondered if Max had suffered a medical episode. Myself an unfortunate victim and wondering now how do I survive. We banked right, glided above an unfinished overpass, and in a straight line touched down and rolled to a stop. Unpowered flight time to touch down on the road was five minutes thirty seconds. My video camera still rolling and out of focus capturing thin air and audio of rushing wind. I was more concerned with bracing for the expected hard landing. Myself thinking for the previous five minutes if we would get seriously injured or worse. No panic, more of a calm foreboding feeling until touch down. Roll to Stop On the Ground Road workers came from everywhere. Eager to see if we were ok. A supervisor quipped you can't land here. Max replied we had no choice. Even though the airport was five minutes flight away we wouldn't have made the runway. Engine oil everywhere. All emergency services called out. Upon inspection, Max thought the crankshaft had broken in mid flight causing the plane to come down. Perhaps $70,000 in repairs required. Milling around the front of the aircraft Max jokingly said 'You Victorian's come up here to holiday and we nearly kill you'. Near Death Experience Emergency personal offered me a return to the ambo. station for a rest and observation as in their words Max and I had been through a near death experience. No. It gave us a fright but all is ok. Emergency personal gave me a lift back to Mackay Airport. After about an hour of aircraft checks and questions. I carefully drove back to my accommodation where I stayed for the remainder of the day. No one to confide in as this was a solo three week road trip. I did not ask for a $200 flight refund. As I thought the money well spent to get out in one piece. Next morning I drove on to Bowen. Almost 200 km and a two hour drive. The plane incident easily put behind me. Technically a forced landing. However at the time I thought a crash was the likely outcome. The aircraft was broken inflight. Well done to Max the pilot. Saved our lives and no injuries. Traveldriven The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) states this is a Warbird and operated in the LIMITED category, passengers must understand that: The design, manufacture and airworthiness of the aircraft are not required to meet any safety standard recognised by CASA CASA does not require this aircraft to be operated to the same degree of safety as an aircraft on a commercial passenger flight. The passenger flies in the aircraft at his or her own risk In undertaking this Adventure Flight I accept the potential risks The Mackay Ring Road is a bypass route near Mackay, Queensland, Australia. Stage 1 completed 2020. Stage 1 is 11.34 km in length and will connect the Bruce Highway to the south of Mackay (at Stockroute Road) with the Bruce Highway to the north of Mackay (near Bald Hill Road). It will involve a new bridge over the Pioneer River and an interchange with the Peak Downs Highway. MACKAY RING ROAD STAGE ONE Tiger Moth joy flight and crash (forced landing) on the still under construction, Ring Road Stage 1, Mackay Queensland. TIGER MOTH FORCED LANDING ON RING ROAD MACKAY AIRPORT PREV ROADTRIP TOWNSVILLE NEXT PREV QUEENSLAND NEXT HOMEPAGE


    TOWNSVILLE ROAD TRIP AUSTRALIA The road trip destination. 2,800 km from home. Approached Townsville driving from inland Queensland and connecting with the coastal Bruce Highway. The highway continues through Townsville and onto Cairns or down south to Brisbane. The first task was to drive up Castle Hill. Great views of the city and Magnetic Island. Booked a leisurely three hour jetski tour of Magnetic Island for a few days time. The owner of the jetski hire conducting the tour. Both he and myself on our skis circumnavigating the island. Large turtles may be spotted swimming and island features pointed out. It's possible to hike the World War II forts and walk passing through bushland on a well defined track. The Strand While in Townsville visit and relax along "The Strand". This is a two km watered foreshore promenade available to the public. Shady palm trees, green grass, eateries, water park etc. Townsville’s thriving beach foreshore. The Strand may be driven along. Convenient accommodation was in Rydges off Palmer Street away from the foreshore and central city. Enjoy the outdoor cafés, hotels and restaurants. Souvenirs may be purchased along Palmer Street. The Strand Rockpool Enjoy a free swim in the sea water rockpool on the Strand. A saltwater lagoon. The large rockpool is fully enclosed and separated from the open sea. Has a shallow area and a deeper area for a swim. Great view of Magnetic Island across the water. Usually attended by a lifeguard and is open most days. Provided and maintained by the local government. Castle Hill Is a granite monolith in the suburb of Castle Hill, Townsville. Castle Hill is at a height of 286 metres (938 ft) above sea level. A well made sealed road leads to the top. Views are to the city skyline. Elevated views are of Magnetic Island some four km distant. Traveldriven TOWNSVILLE FIVE DAY FORECAST ROAD TRIP AUSTRALIA ENTER CLICK/TAP TOWNSVILLE GOOGLE MAPS MAP OF CASTLE HILL ROAD CASTLE HILL & LOOKOUT TOWNSVILLE QUEENSLAND GOOGLE MAPS PREV ROADTRIP TOWNSVILLE NEXT PREV QUEENSLAND NEXT HOMEPAGE


    a fresh creamy mango sorbet -just like icecream? Bowen Road Trip Australia The town is halfway between Townsville and Mackay. A tropical town in the Whitsunday area of North Queensland. Away from the foreshore the town looked hot and dry. Almost drought like. It was the dry season. Population of over ten thousand people. Stayed a night in the Whitsunday Sands Resort. Excellent scenic beach frontage. The resort is on the foreshore. Palm trees and coconut trees. A few coconuts were found dropped on the ground. By the look of the outside, the coconuts all were unfit to eat. Apparently if the shell appears to be mouldy or there are dark spots on the coconut shell it is unsafe to eat. Big Mango Attraction Bowen is the home of the Big Mango. A ten metre high structure. Raw mangos have a sour taste. However as they ripen they taste sweet and fruity. A creamy mango sorbet (no dairy ingredients) is usually available onsite. A sherbet or an ice-cream is also available. Airlie Beach is one hundred and fifty km north of Mackay and eighty km south of Bowen. There is ferry access to nearby Hamilton Island and Daydream Island. All a part of The Great Barrier Reef. Traveldriven ENTER CLICK/TAP BOWEN GOOGLE MAPS WHITSUNDAY SANDS RESORT GOOGLE MAPS IN REALTIME ROAD TRIP AUSTRALIA DRIVE MACKAY TO BOWEN AND TOWNSVILLE PARTY, OR A QUIET DRINK IN THE BEER GARDEN? PREV ROADTRIP TOWNSVILLE NEXT PREV QUEENSLAND NEXT HOMEPAGE


    ROAD TRIP TOWNSVILLE AUSTRALIA DAY ONE Solo road trip to Queensland via New South Wales from Victoria. Driving a Mustang GT 2017 6 speed manual. Glenrowan Take a rest break and refill the car in Glenrowan. A popular rest spot for those travelling on the Hume Freeway 235 km from Melbourne. In the township of Glenrowan, off the highway, tourists can rest and look at the famous Ned Kelly siege sites. Glenrowan Bakery pies are tasty. Read Glenrowan blog post Drive Glenrowan Victoria to Albury NSW 90 km. Overnight stay in Albury. Albury to Gundagai NSW 180 km. Stop by The Dog on the Tuckerbox. Approximately eight kilometres from Gundagai. An Australian historical monument and tourist attraction. Located on the Hume Freeway. There are truck/car food and fuel service centres. Also home to the Big Koala statue. Not to be confused with the Big Koala on the Western Highway in Victoria. THE DOG ON THE TUCKER BOX GOOGLE MAPS Drive 250 km to Parkes home of 'The Dish' Parkes Observatory. Visitors centre and gift shop. Hosts the annual Elvis Festival in January. Elvis is in the building. Look-a-likes all around town. Rockin' n' rollin. PARKES OBSERVATORY GOOGLE MAPS Drive 155 km from Parkes to Bathurst. Home of the famous Mount Panorama motor racing circuit. Drive over the following days to GOONDIWINDI a rural town in Queensland, Australia. On the border of Queensland and New South Wales. 360 km west of Brisbane. Goondiwindi Road Trip Australia The town has a population of over six thousand people. Home of the famous racehorse "The Goondiwindi Grey" Gunsynd. The horse won the 1971 Epsom Handicap and the 1972 Cox Plate. Placed third in the 1972 Melbourne Cup. GOONDIWINDI GOOGLE MAPS Goondiwindi to Rockhampton. 800 km. Very small towns along the Leichhardt Highway. Mostly trucks. Very few service stations sell 98 octane petrol. Visit Mount Archer. Six hundred metres above sea level. Eight km from Rockhampton and offers excellent views. Short walkway and has an elevated board walk viewing platform. Views of Rockhampton and Fitzroy River. Rockhampton Road Trip Australia An inland city. Indigenous teenagers were jumping off the Fitzroy Bridge into the water to cool off. Although few in number, saltwater crocodiles do inhabit the Fitzroy River. The Koorana Crocodile Farm is interesting. Located in Rockhampton. Hold a baby crocodile and try a crocodile steak. Better to eat a croc than the other way around. The city seems to get higher day temperature's than surrounding area's likely because it's inland from the coast. Koorana Crocodile Farm The tropical coastal town of Yeppoon Qld is 25 minutes drive further on from Rockhampton. Traveldriven PARKES FIVE DAY FORECAST ROCKHAMPTON GOOGLE MAPS MOUNT ARCHER NURIM CIRCUIT ELEVATED BOARDWARK ROCKHAMPTON FIVE DAY FORECAST ROAD TRIP AUSTRALIA "The Goondiwindi Grey" Gunsynd. ROCKHAMPTON CROCODILE FARM SMALLER CROC MOUNT ARCHER & FITZROY RIVER ROCKHAMPTON PREV ROADTRIP TOWNSVILLE NEXT PREV QUEENSLAND NEXT HOMEPAGE


    Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) A rare neurological disorder. Targets your body's nerves all of which interact with the muscles within the body. Symptoms vary widely among individuals. Characterized by progressive weakness and impaired sensory function in both legs, feet, arms and hands. Weakened respiratory muscles are a common symptom. CIDP prevalence is approximately 600 people in any one year in Australia of a population of 25 million. Not hereditary nor infectious. Not a psychiatric or nervous disorder. Causes inflammation of nerves and nerve damage primarily to the insulating myelin sheaths around nerve fibres. Classified as an autoimmune disease. The disease may occur at any age. No known causes of why the immune system attacks the nerves of otherwise healthy people. A positive diagnosis of CIDP is possible with evidence of damage to peripheral nerve myelin from nerve conduction tests and a lumber puncture. Quadriplegia and or respiratory failure causing death has been cited in rare instances. Gullain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is regarded as the acute form of the condition. Traveldriven SMOKO IN THE BACKYARD CIDP MOBILITY ASSISTS NOT REQUIRED TWO YEARS OF CIDP (23 months from hospitalisation) THREE YEARS OF CIDP (37 months from diagnosis) Four years living with CIDP & IVIG Five years living with CIDP & IVIG Otherwise in good health, no other issues INFLAMMATORY NEUROPATHY SUPPORT GROUP of VICTORIA Melbourne Christmas Luncheon 2023 LUNCHEON FUND RAISING AUCTION DJANGO REINHARDT TWO FINGER GUITARIST LEFT HANDED GUITARIST TONY LOMMI NEXT PAGE CIDP WRITTEN STORY PREV PAGE NEXT HOMEPAGE


    CIDP AND TAI CHI Exercises that promote muscle strengthening and aerobic conditioning are important once patients have received clearance from a physician for an exercise program. Maintaining physical exercise is important for people diagnosed with CIDP. Especially since the completion of regular outpatient hospital physio programs. In my instance ending after twelve months. An online search will reveal benefits of regular Tai Chi practice in those people with peripheral neuropathy and may help to lesson inflammation caused by Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. My first hand experience has been very positive. From about two years after diagnosis of CIDP I sought out a means to exercise at least once or twice per week. Exercise suitable for the limitations of weakness and fatigue bought about by CIDP. This lead to trying Tai Chi. Of course there are challenges but overall a good way to keep an exercise program for the long term. A once per week group setting of Tai Chi helps with motivation. Much of Tai Chi is based on form work and not hard physical activity. Gradually stable footing and controlled breathing techniques are taught over time. Much at one's own level of mobility. As a person progresses and if capable, advanced Tai Chi requires and if desired, more physical activity and more precise balance and even weapon's training in form work. Tai Chi is a non contact sport suitable for all ages and levels of health. I personally know of people in their eighties attending classes. Traveldriven HOSPITAL PATIENT CIDP INSIGHT SIX MONTHS OF CIDP CIDP RECOVERY SMALL IMPROVEMENTS CIDP RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE CIDP RECOVERY WITH VR TWELVE MONTHS OF CIDP PREV PAGE NEXT HOMEPAGE


    LEARNER TANK DRIVER'S ON A PUBLIC ROAD Puckapunyal Driving in the general area I was very surprised to come across a group of three tanks driving headlong down the public road heading in my direction. All displayed Learner driving plates. Due to their apparent width I thought it wise to stop off of the side of the road to let them pass by. Their speed was on par with the posted limit. Much roadside dust was kicked up as they drove past. An unusual sight I haven't seen before. The tank's tracks must have been approved prior to driving on roads or otherwise roads would be damaged from regular use. Puckapunyal Officially, Puckapunyal Military Area or Puckapunyal Army Base, is normally just called "Pucka" by Australian's. The Army training facility and base is ten km west of Seymour, in central Victoria. Puckapunyal is in the main, inhabited by the Australian Defence Force community, Includes an area of about 400 km square of bushland set aside for field training exercises. Puckapunyal is a restricted-access village. Home to the Australian Army's School of Armour School of Artillery and the School of Transport. Combined Arms Training Centre Joint Logistics Unit, and two transport squadrons The Royal Australian Armoured Corps Memorial Army Tank Museum The small army community along with their families contains a primary school, retail shops, and sporting facilities. Traveldriven ENTER CLICK/TAP PUCKAPUNYAL GOOGLE MAPS AUSTRALIAN ABRAMS TANK AUSTRALIAN TANK VERSE'S TREES HOW TO DRIVE A TANK PREV EVENTS NEXT HOMEPAGE


    A soothing relaxing experience for all to enjoy. Better than the beach. -Traveldriven Deep Blue Hot Springs Warrnambool These are a group of twelve or more artificial rock themed open air thermal heated pools of various temperatures ranging to 42 degrees drawn from 850 metres below ground. Up to 1.2 metres in depth. Many pools have water jets and waterfalls. Pool sessions are limited to two hours. An entry fee of $46 ranging to $57 per individual depending on time of day. (2024) to access all pools. Popular with Warrnamabool locals and visitors alike. The Deep Blue six level high rise four star hotel is onsite. Ocean and beach views. Warrnambool Hot Springs is a great experience. The hotel and hot springs could be considered as part of the one large visitors complex. Hopkins Falls Up to thirteen metre's in height, form part of the river system of the Glenelg Hopkins catchment, and is about twenty km east of Warrnamabool along Wangoom Road following onto Hopkins Falls Road. The Hopkins River rises near Ararat, and flows south, joined by twelve tributaries before reaching Warrnambool and emptying into Bass Strait. The river follows a 270 kilometre course. A drive was taken to Hopkins Falls near Warrnamabool in late June '16 during a high rainfall event. The falls are one of the widest in Victoria. Ninety metres wide with unobstructed views from the viewing platform or at the foot of the falls. Often a very small overflow of water in warmer months. Warrnamabool Breakwater Pier is 315 metres long. Walking and fishing access is allowed along its length. Warrnamabool is a 258 km drive via the Princes Highway from Melbourne CBD. About a three hour drive. Two hours shorter than driving the more scenic Great Ocean Road. Traveldriven ENTER CLICK/TAP WARRNAMBOOL GOOGLE MAPS DEEP BLUE HOTEL & HOT SPRINGS HOPKINS FALLS HOPKINS FALLS HIGH RAINFALL VIEW OF WARRNAMBOOL PIER & FOREGROUND OF LAKE PERTOBE FROM CANNON HILL DEEP BLUE, ENTRANCE TO SHORT CAVE & THERMAL SPRINGS WATERFALL DEEP BLUE, OPEN CAVE WATERFALL OPEN AIR SHALLOW HOT THERMAL POOLS DEEP BLUE OPEN AIR THERMAL HOT SPRINGS WARRNAMBOOL, VICTORIA PREV VICTORIA NEXT HOMEPAGE


    "whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". Henry Ford Henry Ford (1863-1947) Founder of the Ford Motor Company. Ford was the first vehicle manufacture to make available affordable mass car ownership to the general population. The Model T was manufactured between 1908 and 1927 followed by the Model A that in was production for the years 1927 to 1931. The Model 18 in 1932 introduced the flathead V8 engine. Manufactured up to 1953. In its later years the flathead V8 produced a maximum horsepower of 110. The Ford Mustang debut was in 1965. Greenfield Village was opened in 1933. Located in Dearborn, Michigan. Henry Ford maintained an interest in auto racing from 1901 to 1913 and began his involvement in the sport as both a constructor and a driver, later employing hired drivers. The auto manufacturer has a long history of involvement in all forms of motorsport. Multiple millions of dollars in investment world wide. Like him or loathe him. Henry enabled ordinary people great mobility of freedom with the automobile. Henry had controversial opinions on many things political. Also unfounded opinions of perceived unnamed figures within world business dominance. These are not the opinions of Traveldriven. For more insightful quotes. Search quote by Australian motorsport drivers. Henry Ford HENRY FORD'S LIFE HISTORY OF THE V8 ENGINE 10 FACTS ABOUT HENRY FORD FORD MUESUM & GREENFIELD VILLAGE (9:41 MINUTES) HENRY FORD MUESUM & GREENFIELD VILLAGE (37:36 MINUTES) PREV PAGE NEXT


    'Bite off more than you can chew and then chew like hell'. Peter Brock Former Australian Touring Car Driver Peter Geoffrey Brock, AM 26 February 1945 – 8 September 2006 Known as Peter Perfect, The King of the Mountain or simply Brocky, was one of Australia's best-known and most successful motor racing drivers. PETER BROCK & CAR STATUE, BATHURST PETER BROCK 'TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN' SKYLINE PETER BROCK 1979 BATHURST 'LEGENDARY' A9X TORANA PETER BROCK'S LAST INTERVIEW PETER BROCK FELLOW DRIVERS TRIBUTE'S PREV PAGE NEXT


    "The car is such a dog we should have tied it to the fence" - Dick Johnson Former Australian Touring Car Champion, describing a bad performing race car. "Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet the bloody thing." Barry Steven Frank Sheene MBE (11 September 1950 – 10 March 2003) British World Champion Grand Prix motorcycle road racer. After a racing career stretching from 1968 to 1984 he retired from competition and relocated to Australia, working as a motorsport commentator and property developer BARRY SHEENE & DICK JOHNSON DICK JOHNSON THE STORY OF THE ROCK DICK JOHNSON\ROGER PENSKE LAP OF BATHURST PREV PAGE NEXT


    Air Show April 13 2024 Pacific Belles appearing once again View Nhill Air Show 2024 post Nhill Air Show 2019 Nhill is a Wimmera Western Highway town, in western Victoria. About halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne. Nhill's population is a little over two thousand residents. Fund Raising for Wheels for the Wirraway Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre Open to the public March 10th 2018 and again in 2019. Very successful public flying displays were attended by a few thousand. Many light aircraft flew in. A few jet powered. Some from interstate. All who attended enjoyed the flying and static displays. Very good extensive air show for a small town. The Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre is located at the historical Nhill airport. Included in its permanent displays is a rare Avro Anson aircraft undergoing restoration. In April 2018, it also acquired a rare Wirraway aeroplane, to much public support and fanfare. Nhill Air show proceeds go to aircraft restoration projects. "Nhill" is believed to be a local aboriginal word meaning "early morning mist rising over water" or the very similar "white mist rising from the water". Traveldriven ENTER CLICK/TAP NHILL GOOGLE MAPS PACIFIC BELLES 1940s ERA SINGING GROUP NHILL AERO CLUB SPITFIRE PARKED NAVY FOLDED WING GETTING READY FOR FLIGHT READY AND FLYABLE ON DISPLAY STATIC DISPLAY MUSTANG FIGHTER PLANE TAXI ON AIRSTRIP NOVEMBER 2023 SIAI Marchetti S-211 THIS JET COLLIDED WITH ANOTHER & CRASHED INTO PORT PHILLIP BAY NHILL AIRSHOW FLYING DISPLAY NAVY AIRCRAFT FADED MURAL GOLDEN HAIR BEAUTY LADY BARE BONES INTERIOR WORK IN PROGESS TIGER MOTH PREV VICTORIA NEXT HOMEPAGE

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