tales of the week's activities that quite often ended with a quiet night time beverage at sea
-MV Oceanic shipmates
DAY 13 Sunday
Broome has tide waters that encroach on both sides of the town. The waters of Roebuck Bay extend from the main jetty at Port Drive to Sandy Point. The Town Beach shoreline. Site of the famous 'Staircase to the Moon'. A receding tide and a rising moon combine to create the illusion of a staircase above the mud flats.
Matso's Brewery
The Brewery was an ideal location to meet up with MV Oceanic shipmates after the Kimberley Islands voyage. Sitting around outside dining tables an onshore sea breeze sprung up and yarns were told between new friends over cold drinks. Highly recommend trying Matso's ginger beer varieties. Yarns of getting your sea legs, being stuck in mud up to the knees, scrambling over rock outcrops, beach sleeping, swimming, retelling tales of the week's activities that quite often ended with a quiet night time beverage at sea. Most experienced none, or very little sea sickness on the entire voyage. All were returning home in the next day or two. Many flying interstate. I was staying in Broome a little longer, then driving to Wyndham, the very tip of Western Australia.
Shipmates and Retelling of Shipboard Life
All shipmates agreed the seven days roaming the sea in the Kimberley Islands was a once in a lifetime opportunity and exceeded expectations. No complaints with crew or expeditions. Not withstanding a few things. The captain of the MV Oceanic said the fore deck spa could not be used at all. Also, onboard stowed sails were never used on either of the two masts. Few fish were caught. Sometimes the tender craft were hard to restart on a quickly receding tide. No cell phone reception. Passengers were encouraged to help with meal clean up and use water sparingly. These things did not distract from the experience at all. A great time enjoyed by all.
Sun Pictures opened on 9 December 1916. The cinema underwent very regular tidal flooding. Some claimed you could catch a fish watching a movie. In 1974, a levy was built to stop flooding. Currently claimed as the world's oldest open air cinema in operation. Restored with the help of the unofficial, 'Lord of Broome'. Robert Alistair McAlpine.
Streeter's Jetty was built for pearl dealer operations out of Short Street, in1886. A channel was cut through mangroves to Dampier Creek and provided access to Streeter's Jetty for pearl luggers. Streeter's Jetty is 69m in length and was rebuilt in 2022 for the fifth time because of water damage with high tides.

Australia's most remote brewery.
Alcoholic ginger beer.

Two weeks in Broome including cruising the Kimberley IsIands.
Ahoy Buccaneers cruise office in Broome.