Tranzalpine Train
The Tranzalpine Train is a passenger train operated by The Great Journeys of New Zealand in the South Island of New Zealand. Travels coast to coast over the Southern Alps. Regarded to be one of the world's great train journeys. Dramatic changes in scenery occur with elevation through the countryside which it passes. The journey is 223 kilometres (139 mi) one-way. The train taking almost five hours on each one-way trip allowing sightseeing in Greymouth before returning to Christchurch. There are 16 tunnels and four viaducts, with the Staircase Viaduct elevated as much as 75 metres (246 ft).
Once above the snow line I spent time in the open view carriage exposed on both sides to the cold weather. I wore a dry-as-a-bone jacket, leather hat, jeans and heavy weather proof boots. A few people came and went and stayed only briefly because of the cold. Upon returning to the heated carriage the ice formed on my hat and jacket began to melt, dropping on the floor. A fellow passenger commented I was brave to stay so long out there. I said not really. I know some of the best experiences are not the most comfortable.
The train stopped briefly at Arthur's Pass Station. For us the highest point over the Alps. Passengers were allowed to disembark for a short while. The station and surrounds covered by the overnight and morning snowfall. Even the train tracks were hard to see covered in snow. We made snow balls and enjoyed friendly snow ball fights before reboarding our train. Train staff said the day before there was no ground covered snow. Our train trip was fortunate to have so much snowfall being outside of the winter months.
Touring the earthquake Red Zone on the Red Bus. Upon boarding, the bus driver then preceded to brief all passenger's that strong aftershocks are common. The recorded onboard mandatory safety announcement said if a strong shock occurs on the tour please stay onboard or stand alongside the bus as directed for your own safety. The Red Zone is off limits to the public and is very dangerous. Pre signed waiver paperwork explained tours done at your own risk. Limited tours were done to show Christchurch CBD will be rebuilt and recover. The earthquake of 2011 claimed 185 lives.

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Arthur's Pass township was reached by the railway in 1914. The TranzAlpine passes through Arthur's Pass and the Otira Tunnel as part of its 223 kilometres (139 mi) journey from Christchurch to Greymouth. Considered one of the world's great train journeys for the scenery and views.
Aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.