Hamilton Island
The Great Barrier Reef
The island is a tourist mecca of the Whitsunday Islands Group in Queensland, Australia. All types of accommodation and tourist activities. Located approximately 887 kilometres (551 mi) north of Brisbane.
Hamilton Island Airport is serviced by commercial domestic flights from all over Australia. High rise units are some of the many accommodation sites available. There is an 18 hole golf course on neighbouring Dent Island.
Daydream Island is serviced daily by ferry and is 18 km distant. Boat cruises depart for Whitehaven Beach on a high speed catamaran. The beach thirty minutes away. Visitors on Hamilton Island use golf buggies as a means of getting about. Regular public bus services run on the island.
Watersports hired on Hamilton Island's Catseye Beach are within quick walking distance from high rise accommodation. Sailing catamarans are available for hourly hire from Catseye Beach. Prior little experience required. All must stay within the confines of Catseye Bay.
Hire a Sailboat on Catseye Bay
I wanted to try a little sailing. Others did not want to join in so I hired a Hobie Getaway catamaran for a solo sail of a few hours. The hire person said any prior sailing experience would be useful. Or perhaps not to go solo. Some time ago I was told, but not shown, how to manoeuvre a small sailboat and I had gleaned sailing basics online without being on water. I said beginner sailing experience.
The hire person, a girl no older than twenty in a brief bikini, instructed don't leave the confines of Catseye Bay as the off shore currents will overcome the sailing capacity of the cat and be pushed dozens of kilometres away further along The Great Barrier Reef.
Rescue of Sailors in Difficulty
The young girls quote, 'I am watching the craft on the bay if any unlikely incidents happen I will attend and assist' she explained. Appearances did not give confidence. However, she must be competent to have the job.
The Getaway sailboat has a a full-batten mainsail, dual transom-hung rudders and no keel or dagger boards. A mast-top float and righting line to right the boat upon capsize. Five metres in length and a beam over two metres. Mast length of 7.6 metres. Both rudders are steered in tandem by the steering tiller.
Stalled in Wind
Catseye Bay is 1.7 km wide by 800 metres. With life jacket on, but no person to boat tether, I jibed to the left of the bay and stalled in slight gusting wind. Mainsail fluttering and the Getaway sailboat drifting towards a shoreline of rocks. Unable to steer about. Maybe assistance is already needed. The thought of rescue by an attractive woman in a bikini very pleasant but embarrassing. However, ten minutes of a few failed tacking attempts and the cat turned around. Wind billowing the sail.
Solo Sailing Fun
The cat took off like a rocket across the bay. Tacked starboard towards land and shot 1.5 km on return, further out this time. Slowed, using the tiller and tacked back again. Watching movement of waves for the gusting wind and the thin telltales sailcloth on the cat. Did not capsize once.
Upon tacking moving body weight from port to starboard and back was essential to avoid tipping. If parted away from the cat for any reason the speed was such, attempting to catch and reboarding the cat impossible. Great experience as the breeze freshened. Jibed and tacked many times lifting the hull clear of the water on occasion. Enjoyed sailing solo for several hours.
Great fun. Alas, no need for a rescue.