DAY 18
Will we finish our island dinner party before the sea and tide covers the small sandy island along with all of us.
It's miles to shore?
-fellow shipmates
Land rises out of the sea and ten metre tides.
Montgomery Reef
& Cruise the Kimberley Islands
The large reef is off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Situated near the Montgomery Islands.
About twenty kilometres (12 mi) off shore, opposite Doubtful Bay to the east and Collier Bay to the south. The nearest inhabited place is Bardi an aboriginal community. Bardi is about one hundred and thirty kilometres (81 mi) to the south west on the Kimberley coast.
Montgomery Reef has a total area of four hundred square kilometres (154 sq mi) making it Australia's largest inshore reef with a length of about eighty kilometres (50 mi).
Montgomery Reef has a huge tidal range, up to ten metres (33 ft). On the receding tide, large lagoons, raised inlets, small creeks and a central mangrove island are revealed. The receding tide forms hundreds of cascading waterfalls. When the tide is lowest, more than four metres (13 ft) of reef may be exposed.
Raft Point
In the general area is Raft Point. Ship plans allowed for a morning highlight excursion to visit Raft Point. An indigenous rock art site in Doubtful Bay. Raft Point is one hundred and fifty metre's above sea level. Shipmates were dropped off by tendercraft and waded through a shoreline of mud. All sinking to the knee if unlucky on the retreating tide. Navigating the mud, hot sand and flies. All walked to the base of a large rocky hill and followed the dusty winding steep walking track surrounded by dry bush. A hot and thirsty trek to the rock art site. Once there, were rewarding elevated and very scenic expansive views of surrounding Kimberley islands. Tendercraft look very insignificant and small in the expanse of Doubtful Bay. Our only connection to the relative safety of our ship and the unavoidable return trek back through the sticky sucking mud again.
Island Dinner Party
Our ship the MV Oceanic anchored off of a small pristine sandy cay. Exposed by a low tide and many kilometres from land. Ship crew arranged tables, chairs food and wine. Crew told tall sea stories and a good time was enjoyed by all. Tendercraft returned all shipmates to the ship before the island was reclaimed by the sea.
Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or a deeper connection with nature, a cruise through the Kimberley Islands promises an enriching and unforgettable experience that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.
All the while watched over by the rising full Kimberley brightly lit moon followed by a warm and starry, still night.
Our tenders returning to the MV Oceanic
shipmates joked are we in tender,
'seal team 6'
no minions amongst our shipmates
see Montgomery Reef video
below for explanation

Shoreline of sinking mud up to the knee
if footing misplaced
Very informative talk given by crew man Brian
on Raft Point rock art

Montgomery Reef tour by 'the minions'
A term coined by the MV Oceanic
shipmates of larger ship guest tours
wearing bright yellow
life vests & line astern
Our tender hard to restart
in shallow water
on a fast receding tide
(not caught on camera)
Our private island dinner party
captain Steve 'Tux'
heard talking in the
background about Broome